Elite 1% Push for Rationing Measures in Name of Climate Change, Igniting Debate on Freedom and Governance


In a recent survey that has sent ripples across the nation, America’s wealthiest individuals and Ivy League graduates have expressed opinions that starkly contrast with those of the average voter. The findings reveal a significant divide in perspectives on personal freedom, climate change, and trust in government.

The poll, which focused on affluent city dwellers with postgraduate degrees and incomes exceeding $150,000, uncovered a startling preference among the elite for rationing food and electricity as a means to combat climate change. This group, which makes up the top 1% of earners, is advocating for measures that would significantly alter the daily lives of Americans.

While the general populace cherishes their individual freedoms, nearly six in ten of the elite believe there is an excess of such liberties in the United States. This sentiment aligns with their support for banning modern conveniences like gas stoves, air conditioners, and non-essential air travel, all in the name of reducing emissions of planet-heating gases.

The survey also highlighted a deep trust within this group towards federal officials, with 70% expressing confidence in the government to ‘do the right thing most of the time’—a figure more than double the national average. Their approval extends to the current administration, with President Joe Biden receiving an 84% job approval rating from the elite, approximately twice that of the general public’s view.

This trust in government is further reflected in their attitudes towards education. Two-thirds of the elite believe that schoolteachers should dictate the curriculum, a stance that diverges from regular voters who tend to favor parental input, especially given recent concerns over politicized content in classrooms.

The survey’s findings also suggest that the elite hold more favorable views of professions often associated with influence and policymaking, such as lawyers, lobbyists, politicians, and journalists. In contrast, regular voters exhibit cooler or even negative attitudes towards these ‘talking professions.’

The Committee to Unleash Prosperity, which led the poll, has described the elite as living in a “bubble of their own construction.” Steve Moore, a member of the committee, remarked that understanding the disparity in viewpoints between the elite and the rest of the country is key to grasping the current political divide.

As populist sentiments continue to rise, crossing political lines and uniting diverse groups against the perceived out-of-touch elite, the debate intensifies. The question remains: how will America reconcile these differing visions for its future, and what implications will this have for the nation’s approach to climate change and the cherished principle of personal freedom?